Wall Wood Heart Quote Maker

Write quotes, poetry, messages, stories, love letters, aspirations, notes or any other long text on Wall Wood Heart picture from the Others category by using this quote design maker. You can share this Others quote on your blog and social media. Share this quote design maker with your friends.

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Your heart knows not how to lie. It is great that it lays deep in your chest and not in your mouth.

Be the master of your fate, be the captain of your soul, but do not hesitate, should the chance befall you, to be the slave of your heart.

It is in the heart that the values lie. I wish I could make him understand that a loving heart is riches, and riches enough, and that without it intellect is poverty.

When man is serene, the pulse of the heart flows and connects, just as pearls are joined together or like a string of red jade, then one can talk about a healthy heart.